Welcome Spencer Frost!

We're thrilled to welcome Spencer Frost to the CYM team at Mackay.  Spencer will serve as our new youth Co-ordinator and will be the primary resource person and teacher for our junior youth group.

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to join the Children and Youth Ministry team at Mackay United; as a young adult, a Christian and a part of this community of faith. I have previously volunteered as a counsellor with youth at two residential Christian camps as well as helped lead youth ministries at my previous church home, both of which have equipped me to some degree in ministering to youth and children; and although sometimes challenging I find it very fulfilling and it would be my hope that I could offer whatever gifts and skills I have while equally learning and developing my ability to minister effectively to young people as someone considering ordained ministry in the UCC. I look forward to working with the many others who offer their leadership and wisdom in our children and youth ministries at Mackay, and to acting as a liaison between the various "pre-adult" groups in our church to establish a more comprehensive, engaging and effective program for Children, Youth and Young Adult ministry at Mackay and ensure that there is a safe space for spiritual discovery, education and exploration among this group of people at Mackay. I believe that children and youth aren't only the future of our church, but indeed are a part of our church today.

 In Christ,



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